21/12/2024 12:48:53 | UARAP4-30-2 Acting for Stage | List published | 1 item removed |
21/12/2024 12:47:37 | UARAP4-30-2 Acting for Stage | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
21/12/2024 12:46:33 | UARAP4-30-2 Acting for Stage | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
21/12/2024 12:39:00 | UARAP4-30-2 Acting for Stage | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
21/12/2024 12:38:36 | UARAP4-30-2 Acting for Stage | List published | 2 items added, 12 items removed, 1 section removed |
20/12/2024 14:07:31 | UZYSRM-15-M Reporting skills in nuclear medicine | List published | 4 items removed |
20/12/2024 13:33:42 | UABAK8-30-M Multimedia Journalism 2 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
20/12/2024 12:55:19 | UZYSQ4-15-M Science & Instrumentation in Nuclear Medicine | List published | 1 item removed |
20/12/2024 12:54:46 | Fundamental Clinical Skills in Nuclear Medicine Practice | List published | 1 item added |
20/12/2024 12:38:02 | UZWK9B-20-3 Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
20/12/2024 11:53:43 | UZWK9B-20-3 Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
20/12/2024 11:38:39 | Fundamental Clinical Skills in Nuclear Medicine Practice | List published | 3 items added |
20/12/2024 11:12:46 | UMMDQK-15-2 Introduction to Event Project Management | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
20/12/2024 11:03:34 | Contemporary Continental Philosophy | List published | 1 item added |
20/12/2024 11:02:38 | Contemporary Continental Philosophy | List published | 2 items added |
20/12/2024 10:57:50 | Contemporary Continental Philosophy | List published | 10 items added |
20/12/2024 08:52:17 | UARAP4-30-2 Acting for Stage | List published | 21 items added, 4 sections added |
19/12/2024 16:15:14 | USSJM3-30-M Science, the Public and Media | List published | 8 items removed, 1 section removed |
19/12/2024 14:12:50 | UPHNH7-30-3 Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: Politics, Religion, and Society in Britain, c.1640-60 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
19/12/2024 13:15:35 | USSJM3-30-M Science, the Public and Media | List published | 5 items added, 1 section added |
19/12/2024 12:39:03 | UMCDMT-15-1 Enterprise & Entrepreneurship | List published | 44 items added, 22 sections added |
19/12/2024 11:35:00 | UZVSEX-20-M Promoting School Aged Health and Wellbeing | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
19/12/2024 11:32:54 | Addressing Inequalities, Diversity and Inclusion UZVRUQ-20-M | List published | 3 items added |
19/12/2024 10:03:37 | UJUUL4-30-3 Criminal Justice | List published | 5 items added, 2 sections added |
19/12/2024 09:56:24 | UPHNLX 30-2 Taking it to the Streets: Rights, Popular Action and Reshaping the World | List published | 7 items added |
19/12/2024 09:32:25 | UZWK9B-20-3 Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning | List published | 1 item added |
18/12/2024 15:58:23 | Copy of UMMDQK-15-2 Introduction to Event Project Management | List published | 16 items added, 6 sections added |
18/12/2024 15:23:42 | UZSNR8-30-2 Drugs, Crime and Society | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
18/12/2024 14:38:45 | UBLLW1-15-M Logic to Artefact | List published | 1 section added |
18/12/2024 14:36:54 | UBLLW1-15-M Logic to Artefact | List published | 81 items added, 15 sections added |
18/12/2024 10:30:31 | UMODML-15-3 Managing Organisational Change | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed, 1 section added |
18/12/2024 09:18:32 | UZQK8M-30-1 Critical Thinking and Political Theory (Term 1) | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
18/12/2024 09:06:24 | UZVYH4-15-1 Law for Social Work Practice | List published | 1 item added, 2 items removed, 2 sections added, 2 sections removed |
17/12/2024 20:04:24 | UZSKK4-30-2 Protecting Victims, Witnesses and the Public (PVWP) | List published | 1 item added |
17/12/2024 15:26:09 | UZYY9P-30-2 Physical Challenges and Occupation Apprentice | List published | 2 items added, 1 item removed |
17/12/2024 14:36:03 | Addressing Inequalities, Diversity and Inclusion UZVRUQ-20-M | List published | 1 section added |
17/12/2024 14:31:14 | Addressing Inequalities, Diversity and Inclusion UZVRUQ-20-M | List published | 1 item added |
17/12/2024 14:29:39 | Addressing Inequalities, Diversity and Inclusion UZVRUQ-20-M | List published | 9 items added |
17/12/2024 14:15:50 | UFCFAS-15-2 Machine Learning | List published | 3 items added |
17/12/2024 13:50:01 | UZYKHK-15-1 Human Occupation Health and Well-being part 2 | List published | 1 item removed |
17/12/2024 12:43:19 | Copy of UBGMF9-15-M: Sustainable Development: Principles and Practice | List published | 1 item added |
17/12/2024 12:15:02 | UZSNQK-30-3 Transnational Crime and Comparative Criminology | List published | 1 item added |
17/12/2024 11:56:27 | Drama Dissertation 24 25 | List published | 1 item added |
17/12/2024 09:50:20 | UMODDP-15-1/ UMOD64-15-1 Understanding Organisations and People | List published | 82 items added, 22 sections added |
17/12/2024 09:49:45 | UPHNLX 30-2 Taking it to the Streets: Rights, Popular Action and Reshaping the World | List published | 2 items added, 1 item removed, 4 sections added |
17/12/2024 09:39:53 | UZYYDB-15-1 Foundations of Neuroscience for Physiotherapists | List published | 10 items added, 1 section added |
17/12/2024 05:56:51 | UPCNHS-30-2 Campaigning Contexts and Environments 24-25 | List published | 4 items added, 3 sections added |
17/12/2024 05:40:13 | UPCNHT-30-2 Communicating for Change 24-25 | List published | 26 items added, 7 sections added |
17/12/2024 05:36:32 | UABB66-30-1 Communicating for Change 24-25 | List published | 1 item removed |
17/12/2024 05:22:23 | UABB66-30-1 Communicating for Change 24-25 | List published | 27 items added, 7 sections added |
16/12/2024 16:49:24 | USSYQM-45-3 Project | List published | 2 items added |
16/12/2024 14:34:04 | UTLGXC-30-M Developing as a Researcher Practitioner | List published | 1 item added, 1 item removed |
16/12/2024 14:32:51 | UMKDMQ-15-3 Digital Marketing Communications | List published | 36 items removed |
16/12/2024 14:28:03 | UADASP-45-2 CREATIVE WORKSPACE Developing Practice 2 | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
16/12/2024 12:52:27 | USPK6B-30-M Theory and Practice in counselling Psychology 1 | List published | 2 items added |
16/12/2024 12:20:35 | UZQNFB-30-1 International Relations | List published | 3 items added, 6 items removed, 1 section added, 2 sections removed |
16/12/2024 11:25:47 | UZQNHB-30-2 Atrocities in Global Politics | List published | 14 items added, 8 sections added |
16/12/2024 10:43:10 | Atrocities in Global Politics - Term 2 | List published | 24 items added, 10 sections added |
16/12/2024 10:13:48 | UMED4L-15-M, UBLL33-15-M Sustainable Organisation: Vision into Practice | List published | 1 item added |
16/12/2024 09:45:19 | UMED4L-15-M, UBLL33-15-M Sustainable Organisation: Vision into Practice | List published | 2 items added |
15/12/2024 15:45:42 | UZSYNE-30-3 Sociology Of Human, Non-Human And Environmental Rights | List published | 2 items added |
15/12/2024 15:39:48 | UMED4L-15-M, UBLL33-15-M Sustainable Organisation: Vision into Practice | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/12/2024 17:08:18 | Copy of UBGMF9-15-M: Sustainable Development: Principles and Practice | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
14/12/2024 00:06:53 | UBLL7P-15-3 Interactive Systems and Comfort Controls | List published | 3 items added |
13/12/2024 23:42:09 | UBLL7X-30-3 Building Services Innovations | List published | 16 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 23:15:54 | UBLL7V-60-3 Studio 4 AEE | List published | 57 items added, 7 sections added |
13/12/2024 23:01:43 | UBLL7U-15-3 Energy Performance and Retrofit | List published | 15 items added, 4 sections added |
13/12/2024 22:23:00 | UBLL7N-30-3 Zero Carbon Buildings | List published | 35 items added, 3 sections added |
13/12/2024 22:11:56 | UBLL7M-30-3 AEE Studio 3.2 | List published | 38 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 21:56:15 | UBLL7L-30-3 AEE Studio 3.1 | List published | 38 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 18:44:56 | UBLL7E-30-2 Building Services Applications | List published | 10 items added, 1 section added |
13/12/2024 18:28:37 | UBLL78-15-2 Passive Design Studio | List published | 32 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:57:06 | UBLL4Y-30-1 Studio 1.2 - People & Environments | List published | 28 items added, 4 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:55:30 | UBLL4S-30-1 Studio 1.1 - Form & Context | List published | 28 items added, 4 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:53:46 | UBLL6T-30-1 Making Sustainable Architecture | List published | 33 items added |
13/12/2024 17:52:08 | UBLL5S-15-1 Professional Principles And Digital Practice | List published | 12 items added |
13/12/2024 17:43:33 | UBLL58-15-1 Contexts of Architecture 1 - Cities and Societies | List published | 41 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:43:28 | UBLL7C-15-2 Collaboration and Coordination | List published | 12 items added |
13/12/2024 17:40:10 | UBLL74-30-2 Studio 2.1 | List published | 32 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:37:57 | UBLL75-30-2 Architecture Studio 2.2 | List published | 32 items added, 5 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:33:44 | UBLL6V-30-1 Materials and Environmental Physics | List published | 10 items added, 1 section added |
13/12/2024 17:31:36 | UBLL7D-15-2 Contexts of Architecture 2 - Histories and Theories | List published | 20 items added |
13/12/2024 17:22:57 | UBLL7W-30-3 Connected Construction and Digital Design | List published | 58 items added, 8 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:13:44 | UBLL7K-15-3 Employability, Ethics, and Enterprise | List published | 68 items added, 12 sections added |
13/12/2024 17:06:34 | UBLL7Y-60-3 Architecture Studio 3 | List published | 22 items added |
13/12/2024 17:01:42 | UBLL7T-15-3 Critical Contexts | List published | 17 items added |
13/12/2024 15:58:54 | iQTS Sep 24: UTLGYB -30 - M Curriculum Enquiry | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/12/2024 15:19:06 | iQTS Sep 24: UTLGYB -30 - M Curriculum Enquiry | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
13/12/2024 14:20:39 | USSYQE-45-2 Research Methods | List published | 2 items added |
13/12/2024 12:11:40 | UZTYCL-30-2 Supporting People with Complex Needs - Adult Nursing | List published | 47 items added, 9 sections added |
13/12/2024 10:49:14 | UBGMXN-15-M Healthy Cities | List published | 3 items added, 9 items removed, 1 section removed |
13/12/2024 10:05:07 | UZSYJD-30-3 Sociology of Sexes Genders and Sexualities | List published | 3 items added |
12/12/2024 15:03:25 | UPGN9C-15-1 Spectacle, Action, Narrative | List published | 85 items added, 24 sections added |
12/12/2024 13:14:07 | Copy of UBGMF9-15-M: Sustainable Development: Principles and Practice | List published | 35 items added, 9 sections added |
12/12/2024 12:12:03 | UZRYFJ-15-3 Philosophy of Mental Health and Psychiatry | List published | 1 item added |
11/12/2024 20:10:08 | Architectural Acoustics | List published | 2 items added |
11/12/2024 16:55:39 | UTTGYV-30-1: Teaching and Learning | List published | 4 items added, 1 item removed, 1 section removed |
11/12/2024 15:29:20 | UJUUL7-30-0 Introduction to Law in a Social, Business and Global Context | List published | No items or sections added/removed |
11/12/2024 15:14:27 | UZSYNE-30-3 Sociology Of Human, Non-Human And Environmental Rights | List published | 1 item added |
11/12/2024 12:57:31 | Copy 2 of Inclusive Assembly | List published | 152 items added, 4 sections added |